Cover reveal time for Kololo Hill! I’m so excited to share this with you and now that you’ve seen it too, perhaps you can understand why I’m like a kid at Christmas.

My beautiful cover was designed by the very talented Lucy Scholes at Picador. The design blends a Modern Batik print, popular in Uganda in the 60s and 70s, and British artist Barbara Brown’s 1968 ‘Complex’ fabric. And if you look closer, there’s more than meets the eye to that zingy bright yellow.

To top it all off, this animation is beyond my wildest expectations. It’s been a long old wait for Kololo Hill‘s launch but this cover has kicked it off with a bang, rattle and a whizz. The literary equivalent of a firework, if you like.

It’s not out until 18th Feb 2021 but you can request it from Netgalley now! For a physical copy, please contact my publicist Kate Green at Picador on Twitter or via email.

When I first went to my publisher Picador’s offices with my agent,  appropriately enough for a novel about belonging, it felt like coming home. I remember admiring the beautiful covers on the shelves and wondering if mine would day appear alongside them. I remember talking at length with the editorial and marketing team, who understood what I wanted to achieve with Kololo Hill completely. This cover is proof once again, that I really did find a publishing home that day.

  • It’s now available to request on Netgalley.
  • I’d love to hear what you think of the cover so say hello here or follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to make sure you’re the first to hear about Kololo Hill as well as tips on writing and book recommendations.

I’m off to celebrate with a tub of Magnum Salted Caramel ice cream!